Auctions are in the secondary market where buyers are more motivated and the auction houses just want to make the vig and other fees for transactions, so they just want the wine sold. Thus, when there are less wine buyers and bottles stay unsold for a few rounds, weeks or longer - steals and deals can happen. I'm only looking for good deals. Everyday wines or more established bottles. Reds, whites, doesn't matter to me.
Anyway, last month this is what I was able to pick up:
2005 Kalleske Greenock Shiraz $20.00
2006 Hogue Riesling $5.00
2006 Kutch Mcdougall Ranch Pinot Noir $55.00
2005 Turley Zinfandel Tofanelli Vineyard $30.00
2005 Hanna Estate Chardonnay $10.00
2005 Paringa Individual Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon $5.00

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Unfortunately I bought from the biggest on line auction in Australia lately quite few cases of wine which are slightly off. I think that wineries when they discover not so good stock, they offer them on sale at auctions. Also discovered that taste of wine have nothing to do with label and export wines were probably refused because of quality. No more auction wine for me!
I have not had a problem in the US with the 1 or 2 auction places I use. Winebid for one is very good. A reputable US winery would have a hard time getting their wine sold their if they sold off their "not so good stock" at the auctions here. Eventually they would not accept anymore.
I can't speak to the lesser places here or out of the country auction houses. I prefer to buy direct from winery myself mostly.
I also tend to not buy older wines as the history or provenance is an issue and I try to just look for cheaper buys and good deals.
Thanks for your post
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