Cooling Units
Typically these are different and less expensive than cabinets. A wine refrigerator as they can be called, will normally not have humidity controls. Cooling units will focus on keeping a temp range - usually within 5 to 7 degrees. If the reason for having a storage unit is to keep the wines at a safe temperature and enjoy drinking within short to medium range time (up to 2-3 years). The temperature should be set at around 55-58 degrees. This will allow for some up or down variable in degrees while never being too cold or too warm. The humidity aspect is not that important IMO. I feel it can be overrated - at least for short term cellaring and drinking. Basic cooling unit systems will carry space for as few as 6 or 8 bottles up to 100-150 or so. Wine cabinets can hold many more. Some up to 1000 bottles but these units can cost up to $5000 or more.
A basic but very reliable wine unit or wine fridge can cost as low as $150 and hold 36-50 bottles. I recommend buying as big as you can afford and fit as wine collecting can usually move higher than the unit purchased and you don't want to have to buy 2 or 3 units because the system you bought was too small. Most have strong metal or iron racking that can be slid out or replaced for more bottles or larger or unique shaped bottles.
Haier Wine Cellar Fridge
Haier is a very reliable and pretty inexpensive holder. Many of the models have 2 zone cooling for whites and reds or at least allows for the bottom of the cooling unit to be colder for white wine. I have Haier systems and have found them very efficient. They are quiet and look very attractive in the kitchen, dining room or other area you wish to have it. I have also seen and heard of many other cooling units that did the job as well.
In the end, I generally look for a quiet refrigerator that looks attractive. As long as the temp stays relatively constant - I'm usually happy. The best part is pulling out a nice red wine that is cool (not cold) to the touch. When you pour a non serious wine person a Cabernet or California Pinot Noir at a nice cool temp. it is a real eye opener.
Enjoy your wine and let it rest on some racks in a nice cooling unit. And if you are like me - you will be opening those doors pretty often!
Haier 46 Bottle Wine Cellar - View Photos and Pricing
View Wine Refridgerators On Ebay Here
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