The Paleo Recipe Book

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

2013 Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc Tasting Note

For years new Zealand has put out some of the better and less expensive wines - particularly for Sauvignon Blanc. Oyster Bay is one of them. While I usually found tasting this producer to be a notch below Kim Crawford and some others, for the price - it is still a very solid wine and easy pleasing. These are very consistent wines to taste regarding vintage year to year. You'll find similar notes from a 2005, 2007 or most other years. New Zealand knows how to do Sauv Blanc.

I find these NZ and most white wines are best after refridging and then letting the temperature come up a little or just put them in an ice bucket to chill, but not get TOO cold. Wine served too cold voids much of the flavor - unless it's not a good white wine to begin with, then chilling it out is your best bet. :)

Tasting Note Review 2013 Oyster Bay

Crisp and clean, though I found the 2013 Oyster Bay a little thin without much acidity. It had the typical nice grassy - kiwi - tropical flavors. It was a little bitter, but not through the whole finish - which was decent. Oyster Bay is a very solid wine to serve at cocktail hours or on a hot day. It also is very reasonable with the US price range usually between $10 - $13. Hard to beat. Your friends that drink any ole pinot grigio and not that into wine nuances will enjoy this and not compare it other vintages or many of the Sauvignon Blancs out there. It will hold it's own.

So, for the price - it's a buy, but taste some other producers in that region and see what best suits you. That is really the best judge of white wines or any wine. Feel free to post your experience with this wine or any New Zealand Sauv Blanc.

Happy Sipping (don't gulp)
